Creating Healthy Eating Habits
Yes, they are habits. Habits are tough to give up or to change. But it's not impossible. Here are a few tips:
Don't focus on what you CAN'T eat. Focus on what you CAN eat.
Turn up your metabolism by eating a lot of proteins
Snack on nuts and seeds, tuna or cheese, and yogurt
Eggs are probably natures only complete protein just as they are.
One egg a day, every day, will not harm your heart health.
Tofu is high protein and can be hidden in sauces if you don’t like the taste
Drink Water - at least 80 oz a day
Coffee and wine: not only do they not count toward your 80 oz. But to replace the dehydration effect, you need to drink an equal amount of water for each cup of coffee or glass of wine you drink. Don't drink too much water. That's not healthy either. Juices, herbal teas, flavoured water & Crystal Light count toward your 80 oz.
If you are going to have them, choose the right ones, in small amounts.
Carbs must be high fibre, full value carbs such as whole wheat or rye breads, bran muffins, whole grain pasta. Potatoes, rice and noodles should be eaten once a week or less. Focus on the good fibre (Bowel health) you get from high fibre, whole grain carbs. Enjoy their wonderful flavours. Love the good stuff and you won't even miss the 'not-so-good' stuff.
I love my carbohydrates, so I limited my daily amount to one bran muffin in the morning, when that flavour was most important for me. That way it was easy to avoid potatoes and noodles. I could always look forward to tomorrow’s muffin.
Here's a skeletal menu to follow.
Remember, nothing is forbidden. Everything is allowed. Key words are balance, and moderation.
Breakfast High fibre bread or muffin; Protein like eggs, or cheese
Snack Fruit - apples are great. Have some cheese, too!
Lunch *Raw vegetable salad. Dark greens. Protein - tuna, cold meats, seeds and nuts on the salad.
* If you limit yourself to this suggestion, you can eat til you're stuffed!
Snack Fruit again, or cheese, or a handful of nuts.
Plan suppers ahead, so they are ready when you are hungry.
This avoids unplanned snacking.
Supper Meat, cooked vegetable and raw salad. Again, if you limit yourself to this
suggestion, you can eat til you are stuffed. (Note no pure carbohydrates)
Snack Veggies and dip (Cucumbers, peppers, carrots ) or Low fat yogurt.
More About Carbohydrates:
Keep your potatoe, noodle and rice choices for when you are out, or visiting, and you don't have the option to avoid them. When you are at home, you can just refuse to keep them in the house, or refuse to cook them up unless it's Sunday. If you do give in to the temptation, plan an activity after eating that pizza. Burn off the sugars they create right away, and they won't go to your hips. Hurray!
Take a "hunny walk" in the evenings. Your honey will love to be with you, and it's good for your digestion.
Remember, nothing is forbidden. Everything is allowed.
Key words are balance, and moderation.