The S.P.U.N. Diet . . . . . . .
S.P.U.N. stands for Society for the Protection of the Unborn through Nutrition. The SPUN Diet was formulated by a husband-wife team. He is a medical doctor and the author of Five Standards For Safe Childbearing, a natual birth classic. She is a registered nutritionist. Both are highly recognized in their fields.
The SPUN Diet is the most nutritious diet an expectant mother could be on. It gives her all the daily nutrients for her own health as well as the health of the growing fetus. Artificial substitutes are not necessary. Those who faithfully adhere to the diet will find that they are not hungry between meals, that they have no room for junk food (or the good stuff would be sacrificed) that they overcome morning sickness very early (or don't ever have any) that they have enough energy to continue a normal activity level throughout their pregnancy, that their children's bones are well formed for a healthy appearance, that their labours and deliveries generally go very well. No one - whether pregnant or not - will get fat on this diet, even though there is plenty of food, because it is all nutritious.
Things you need to know .......
Fibre should be taken at 4 - 6 tablespoons/day. This is to keep the bowel regular, an added benefit if your doctor suggests an iron-rich maternity vitamin which often causes constipation or hemorrhoids. Add raw wheat bran or oat bran to cereals, sandwiches, and salads.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea should be taken at least three times a day. And more if you wish. Flavour with peppermint or honey if you do not care for the original flavour. (Original flavour tastes very much like regular tea!) This tea is known to relieve nausea, and vomiting, strengthen uterine muscles in preparation for labour, oxygenate uterus bringing more nutrients to the baby, stills natural contractions during final months of pregnancy, and encourages contraction of uterus when body goes into labour. A wonderful tea for all women.(Great for men with nausea!)Be sure the label says "Leaf". Many "flavoured" teas masquerade as "herbal teas". Red Raspberry tea may not be herbal, so make sure to look for the word "Leaf" or check at your favourite health food store.
Snacks: Eat protein snacks between meals and at bedtime: nuts, seeds, cheese, milks.
Dangers of Poor Nutrition: You don't want any of these!
Hemorrhage (bleeding)
Toxemia (amniotic fluid becoming toxic to baby)
To get maximum benefit from this diet during pregnancy, it is recommended that you start the diet about 3 months before planning to become pregnant. That way, you will already be in great shape when your baby is conceived, and morning sickness should be minimal (esp. if you are drinking at least 2 cups of Raspberry Leaf Tea each day.) This diet is great for dads, too! *They can satisfy their junk food cravings when they are away from you.*
Here is the list of foods you need to eat to give your baby the best chance for health and your body the best chance for a safe birth: