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The SPUN Diet   - don't worry......we'll provide a checklist........                              AND RECIPES !!  Pictures, etc.  


Remember:  each food you eat may be counted for one group only,  e.g., 1/4 cup cottage cheese as one milk choice or  1 meat substituted choice, but not both.    


You must have, every day, at least:


1.  Milk and milk products - 4 choices

          1 cup milk: whole, skim or buttermilk                            

          1/2 cup canned evaporated milk: whole or skim

          1/3 cup powdered milk: whole or skim                            

          1 cup yogurt

          I cup sour cream                                                            

          1/4 cup cottage cheese: creamed, uncreamed, pot style

          1 large slice cheese (1,1/4 oz.): cheddar, Swiss or other hard cheese

          1 cup ice milk


2.  Eggs - 2, any style (increased protein keeps nausea down. Less chance of toxemia, too.)


3.  Meats and meat substitutes - 8 choices(4 oz.  is about the size of your palm)

                1 oz  lean beef, lamb, veal, pork, liver, kidney, chicken, turkey,

                1 oz  fish or shellfish

                1/4 cup canned salmon, tuna, mackerel

                3 sardines

                3,1/2 oz  tofu (soybean curd) - (stir into sauces or soups or scrambled eggs to increase protein)

                1/4 cup peanuts or peanut butter

                1/3 cup beans  +  1/4 cup rice or wheat (measured before cooking) -

                           beans: soybeans, peas, black beans, kidney beans, garbanzos;  

                           rice: preferably brown;   

                          wheat: preferably bulgar

                1/8 cup brewer's yeast  +  1/4 cup rice

                1/8 cup sesame or sunflower seeds  +  1/2 cup rice

                1/4 cup rice  +  1/3 cup milk

                1/2 oz cheese  +  2 slices whole wheat bread or 1/3 cup (dry) macaroni or noodles or 1/8 cup beans

                1/8 cup beans  +  1/2 cup cornmeal

                1/8 cup beans  +  1/6 cup seeds (sesame, sunflower)

                1/8 cup peanut butter or peanuts  +  1/8 cup seeds (sesame or sunflower)

                1/4 cup milk  +  1/4 cup seeds (sesame or sunflower)

                1/2 large potato  +  1/4 cup milk or sour cream or 1/4 oz hard cheeses

                1 oz cheese:  cheddar, Swiss or other hard cheeses

                1/4 cup cottage cheese: creamed, uncreamed, pot style


4.  Fresh, dark green vegetables  -  2 choices

                1 cup broccoli                                                  1 cup brussel sprouts

                2/3 cup spinach                                                2/3 cup cabbages

                1/2 cup sprouts: bean, alfalfa                           1/2 cup asparagus

                1/2 cup endive lettuce                                      1/2 cup lettuce (preferably romaine or other dark green)

                2/3 cup greens: collard, turnip, beet, mustard,  dandelion, kale, chard


5.  Whole  Grains    -    5  choices

                1 slice bread: whole wheat, rye, bran or other whole grain         1/2 roll, muffin or bagel made with a whole grain

                1 waffle or pancake made from a whole grain                             1 corn tortilla

                1/2 cup oatmeal or Wheatena, bran flakes or granola                  1/2 cup brown rice or bulgar wheat

                1 shredded wheat biscuit                                                            1/4 cup wheat germ (add to cereal, or into meat loaves)


6.  Vitamin C Group   -   2  choices

                1/2 grapefruit                                                        2/3 cup grapefruit juice

                1 orange                                                               1/2 cup orange juice

                1 large tomatoe                                                     1 cup tomatoe juice

                1/2 cantaloupe                                                      1 lemon or lime

                1/2 cup papaya                                                     1/2 cup strawberries

                1 large green pepper                                            1 large potatoe, any style


7.  Fats and oils   -   3   choices

                1 tablespoon butter or margarine                     1 tablespoon mayonnaise

                1 tablespoon vegetable oil                               1 tablespoon peanut butter

                1/4  avocado


8.  Yellow or orange vegetable or fruit   -   1  choice

                3 apricots                                              1/2 cantaloupe                     1  sweet potatoe

                1/2 cup carrots (1 large)                     1/2 cup pumpkin                 1/2 cup winter squash


9.  LIVER  -  at least once a week (soak in milk for 20 min. for tenderness, fry in butter, serve with onions, bacon or sour cream)

                               p.s. give milk to cat afterwards.....mmm.

                4  oz  liver:  beef, calf, veal, chicken (serve on bed of rice) pork, turkey,  liverwurst, liver sausage


10.  Table Salt -  Salt Your Food to Taste (you need salt to help flush liquids from your tissues)


11.  Water - Drink to quench your Thirst


12.  Other foods as desired from above lists, other fresh fruits and vegetables, raw, steamed, etc., nuts, seeds, dried fruits and the like.  


Here is a checklist chart for you to check off each day. You can also write in what you have eaten to satisfy each requirement. Pregnant momma's can be a little forgetful.   








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